
We provide comprehensive design documentation for planning and building control permits:

- single and multi-family housing
- hotels
- commercial and retail spaces
- site analysis

We guide the investor through the entire design process, help to choose a site, arrange formalities, and explain any difficulties that may arise. We prepare cost estimates, help in finding a contractor, perform author's supervision and coordinate construction projects.

We pay special attention to the history and context of the place. We focus on energy-saving and ecological solutions.


We provide comprehensive interior design of private and public spaces.

Potrzeby i pomysły inwestorów są naszą inspiracja, dzięki której nadajemy każdej przestrzeni unikalny wymiar.

We work with respect for the history, nature and context of the place, which is why we do not close ourselves to one style and always look for new solutions.

Współpracujemy ze sprawdzonymi ekipami i dostawcami. Dobieramy materiały, przygotowujemy kosztorysy ofertowe.

We coordinate and supervise construction works.


Jeśli potrzebna jest porada, konsultacja, doradztwo przy zakupie/remoncie itp. – oferujemy taką możliwość.

We invite you to the office or we travel to the construction site.
Consultation quote on individual request.